Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little."

The PCB believes that several of his/her followers also follow Matty G's blog about buddy trips on Golf Digest. Matty's Dec. 2009 post (actually written by Bob Carney) was particularly good, and the PCB felt it necessary to include a link to it here:

It ends with a quote with which all Pineapple Cup participants can agree. Apparently, Gore Vidal said: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little."

This quote has significant meaning when you think about some of the all-time great matches that have been contested during the Pineapple Cup's short existence. Think about Tucker and Riddick's fabled playoff! These guys have shared everything short of a condom, yet they are forced to cheer against the other. Don't think for a second that the PCB believes that Tucker was happy for Riddick (or Jeff Wilson for that matter). Or, what about Mark and Tommy's inspired play at the Surf Club? Tommy doesn't usually shank 3-irons. But on this particular occasion, Mark had the hex on him!

The PCB digresses. It's getting close to time for the calendar to turn over to 2010, meaning another Pineapple Cup approaches! Another chance for friends to pull against friends. Where will it be? Who will be the captains? There is rumor that two Committee members will captain teams in this census year. Also, the PCB has heard that a new venue is possible.

No details have emerged yet, but the PCB is excited to see what happens in the 2010 Pineapple Cup.