Monday, May 3, 2010

Pineapple Cup Implicated in Derby Betting Ring

Charlotte, N.C. --
Rumor swirl that the Pineapple Cup was recently involved in a Kentucky Derby gambling ring. When confronted with the allegations about the Cup's involvement, current champion Andrew Tucker stated "I would never do anything to jeopardize the integrity of the Pineapple Cup. My goal is simply to increase the legacy that this great trophy represents. For those honored enough to be at the unveiling of the trophy at Commissoner Carrington's 2008 Kentucky Derby party, they will remember that the Cup was hoisted by numerous participants and used as a giant beer chalice. Were those actions deemed disrespectful at the time, or even now? No. The Pineapple Cup trophy acts as a symbol of the greatest golf trip in the world. Beer chugging and gambling are aspects of the trip and therefore should not be looked down upon when associated with and incorporated with the trophy."

No sanctions are expected after investigation by Commissioner Carrington and Committeman Mark Wilson.