Thursday, April 23, 2009

Official 2009 Pineapple Cup Weather Forecast

The PBC, being a frail, semi-arthritic person, constantly consults the weather channel in the days leading up to a major event. In that regard, here is the 2009 Pineapple Cup forecast:

Do Wildfires Affect Pineapple Cup Venue?

North Myrtle Beach, SC (AP) - More than 2,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in North Myrtle Beach, as a wildfire near the coast has damaged several dozen homes.
No injuries have been reported.

Emergency officials banged on doors this morning to get people to leave. The fire jumped state Highway 22 about 1:30 this morning as strong winds pushed the blaze through woods toward the Barefoot Landing development. The sprawling complex of house, condominiums and golf courses is separated from the beaches by the Intracoastal Waterway. Officials at the Grand Dunes Resort say neither of their golf courses have not been affected.

Officials hope the waterway will act as a natural firebreak to protect more populated areas closer to the beach.

The fire started yesterday. The cause has not been determined.

Fire near Grande Dunes Members -

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Riddick Aces the 17th!

Atlanta, GA (Atlanta Business Journal) - Former Pineapple Cup Captain Steve Riddick is making headlines again today and exercising the demons of a missed business opportunity by acing the 17th hole at Fox Creek Golf Course. He used an 8-iron and the shot was witnessed by Pineapple Cup participant Tug Maude.

Riddick's ace marks the second hole-in-one in as many months for a Pineapple Cup participant.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Riddick Blows Off Golf With a Fortune 25 C-Level Executive

Atlanta, GA (Atlanta Business Journal) – A puzzling story developed yesterday in the upper echelon of Atlanta business society when Steve Riddick, former Pineapple Cup Captain, turned down an golf invitation given by a high level executive at Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.

According to sources continually paid and developed by the ABJ, the invitation included rounds at two exclusive courses in Sea Island, GA before returning via private jet on Sunday night. Spokesmen for the two corporate titans were mum on the details of the behind-the-scenes maneuvering necessary to prevent a full blown business society spat. However, Riddick did say that he “sucks at golf” and can “play golf anytime.”

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Virtual U.S. Open

The PCB wanted to make all interested persons aware that you can play 9 shots on Bethpage Black over and over and over and over again here:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Masters Tribute

Augusta, GA - The PCB felt it appropriate to make at least one Master post on the Pineapple Cup blog. It concerns a funny story that has been passed down year after year in Augusta National Golf Club lore. Most will not recognize this story, but the PCB assures you that it is very much true...and happens to be the favorite story of the late Bobby Jones.

Jones would tell it during the Amateur Dinner during Masters week and it always left the crowd in stitches. The story goes:

On one occasion there was a new ANGC member who attended his first members Jamboree. He got involved in a bridge game that deteriorated into poker. To settle his nerves he was drinking pretty steadily, and when they finally poured him into bed, at 3 o'clock in the morning, he was as drunk as a hoot owl. At 8 o'clock the next morning they awakened him and took him out to the first tee. This fellow had a handicap of eighteen, a stroke a hole, and he was paired with a fellow who had a handicap that was much lower. On the first tee, the low-handicap fellow sliced his ball so far that it hasn't been found yet. Now, our hero, who was about to jump out of his skin, stepped up on the tee and topped his drive down the hill. The ground was hard and it rolled to the bottom. When he got to it, his caddie gave him a spoon and he topped it again. But the ball bounced along and bounced along past the trap on the right side of the fairway. He had about 125 yards left to the hole.

He said to his caddie, "What should I use now?" The caddie said "Oh, just go ahead and use the one you've got - it doesn't make any difference." Well, our hero topped the ball a third time. The pin was cut over there on the left, behind the trap. The ball rolled up the front of the green, just missing the trap, and stopped about six feet from the hole.

So, here was our hero with a six-foot putt for par, which would be a net birdie, and his partner was in his pocket. When he stood up to the ball, his hands were shaking on his putter. They kept shaking and he took the putter back. Then, as he stroked the ball, a great big collie dog came running up from somewhere, and it ran right between his legs. Miraculously, though, the ball went into the hole, and the low-handicap fellow rushed up and said, "Partner, that's the greatest display of coolness and calmness under fire I've ever seen. How in the hell did you make that putt when that collie dog was running right between your leg?"

Our hero responded, "My God - was that a real dog?"

Monday, April 6, 2009

Preview of Potential Singles Match-Ups in Charlotte!

Charlotte, N.C. (Charlotte Observer, April 5, 2009) – In 1991, Julia Roberts starred in a psychological thriller Sleeping With the Enemy. Lindsay Carrington had similar feelings on Sunday as he played thrilling preview matches in Charlotte against Captain Yates and several of his stars: Norm Waldrop and Tommy DeMint. Perhaps in an omen as to the results of the 2009 Pineapple Cup, the overall matches ended in a tie: 4.5 point to 4.5 points. Tommy DeMint played the best round of the group, carding a 2-over par 73 that included 4 birdies.

After the round the group was met by a haggard David Miller, who spend the weekend at a bachelor party in Atlantic City, NJ. Miller reportedly has non-golfing plans over the next few weekends, which make the PCB wonder if Captain Yates isn’t a bit miffed by Miller’s Pineapple Cup preparation.

Preparations for the Pineapple Cup continue around the southeast. About 1.5 hours north of Charlotte, the Greensboro faction of Team Buck was hard at work. At publishing time, though, the PCB had no details about the progress of such preparations.