Sunday, May 3, 2009

Andrew Tucker Reigns Supreme at 2009 Pineapple Cup!

North Myrtle Beach, SC (The Sporting News) – Andrew Tucker finally has his hands on the coveted Pineapple Cup. He never lost a match en route to capturing his first Pineapple Cup victory. His impressive play over three days was highlighted by a three under par 67 (net) at Pine Lakes C.C. In the overall matches, Tucker’s play helped Captain Buck’s squad to a victory over Team Yates.

An elated Tucker made an elaborate and enthusiastic acceptance speech: “First off, I would like to thank THE COMMITEE and especially Commissioner Carrington for putting on such a well run tournament. It is honestly one of the highlights of my year and it could not happen without you. Next, I would like to thank Bob and Nancy Wilson for providing such amazing accommodations and truly making the Pineapple Cup affordable and possible. Finally, I would like to thank Morgan’s wife for providing a never ending supply of jello shots and delicious good times.

On December 31, 2008 at 11:59 p.m. I sat down with a pad and paper and made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in the forthcoming year. By noon of the following day when the alcohol began to wear off, I realized that it would not be possible to make out with Megan Fox, get a cameo appearance on Family Guy, or use the crane to defeat Chuck Norris in a battle to the death, so I began marking things off of my list. After I was finished with the truly unrealistic goals for my 2009, only one item remained: Win the Pineapple Cup. What most do not realize, is that since that day I have not slept more than four hours in one night. I started to train my body for what I knew would be the greatest physical and mental challenge of my life. Training my body for the rigors that a champion must endure to claim such a prize. I would pound beers before and during work in order to teach myself how to perform day to day tasks while completely intoxicated. When fellow employees would see me funneling bourbon at my desk and question 'What are you doing?' I would simply point to the Pineapple Cup countdown clock and they would walk away in understanding. I would refuse to eat fruits and vegetables, because I knew that Myrtle Beach has a ban on such items and I didn’t want to be exposed to such foreign substances. People think I love Doritos, it's not true. I hate Doritos, I've just been forcing myself to build up a tolerance as I know they are one of the only items availble to eat in Myrtle. I would only go to restaurants where I was served by a 23 year old waitress with 3 kids ('Yeah, do the math').

I made it rain. Nightly. By the time April rolled around, I knew I was close, but there is more to becoming a PC champion than the ME factor. This is why I would now like to thank Captain Buck for believing in me enough to take me sixth overall. A lot of people felt that this was way too early in the draft. A lot of people were wrong. I would also like to thank my teammates with whom I had the honor of playing. Mark, that first nine holes was rough. When I wanted to kill those Mexicans for not getting off the greens while we were trying to hit, you calmed me by forcing numerous $4 bud lights down my throat.

Lindsay, when I missed ANOTHER 2 footer that would have given us ANOTHER sweep, you patted me on the back and gave words of encouragement as opposed to throwing the Futura into the nearest wood chipper. Gentleman, this trophy is part yours.

I’m not sure where the road will lead from here. I don’t think it will truly set in what I’ve accomplished until I get the trophy back from Larry at Troplex. When I see my name engraved on that beautiful piece of hardware, maybe then will I think about what I want to do with the rest of my golfing career and how fortunate I am to have this overhanging burden lifted off my shoulders. I do know one thing however: Through years of friendship, the hard work of our Commishioner, the intensity of the chosen Captains, and having it located in beautiful Myrtle Beach, we have created the greatest golf tournament in the world….and I am proud to be its Champion."


  1. Easily the greatest champion this tournament has EVER seen!


  2. I had a nightmare about the jello shots!

  3. A nightmare or a fantasy?
