Sunday, November 1, 2009


Charlotte, NC (The Charlotte Observer) – October 31, 2009 –

In the early morning hours of Halloween, several would-be bandits broke into a home which currently houses The Pineapple Cup in an effort to steal the prestigious trophy that dates back to 2007. Current champion Andrew Tucker and golf fans everywhere certainly count themselves lucky that the trophy did not join the likes of the Scottish Open trophy (the oldest trophy in existence at the time it was lost), the original Havermeyer trophy and the Prince of Wales trophy – all either lost or destroyed. It is unclear what kept the would-be bandits from making off with The Pineapple Cup. Police believe the bandits could have been temporarily blinded by the shiny solid gold etching. Another possibility the police will not rule out is that the would-be bandits became entranced by the sparkling crystal and lost track of time. Even yet another possibility is the would-be bandits thought there was a pressure-activated alarm on which The Pineapple Cup sat. Regardless of the reason, The Pineapple Cup was not taken and is no worse for the wear.

The would-be bandits did make off with some electronic equipment, a few dirty magazines and a bottle of charcoal-filtered Papov vodka.


  1. Though I was not present immediately following the robbery, my reports tell me that the house was in complete disarray.....except for one item. Despite the fact the crooks had to move the Pineapple Cup in order to steal my TV, they did not simply throw it to the side. It was gently placed on it's side on one of the couches, completely removed from harms way. Even criminals can respect something as meaningful as the Pineapple Cup.


  2. Picture shown is of the cup after it had been freshly dusted by police for fingerprints.
