Friday, February 19, 2010

Wilson, Carrington chosen as captains!

Today the Committee announced Mark Wilson and Lindsay Carrington as 2010 Pineapple Cup captains. The 2010 event now pits two (of the three total) undefeated team players against each other (the other being Buck Williams). Additionally, Messers. Wilson and Carrington are the only Pineapple Cup participants to have played in every sanctioned round.

The lone disinterested PC Committee member, Andrew Tucker, "I love the fact that these two are going to be captains. You can expect each to name able assistants, but the fact that it is Mark and Lindsay has been a long time in the making. Both have always been on the winning team. It is time for that to change!"

Carrington released a statement that said he was "honored to be a Pineapple Cup captain" and that he expected "to get preparations underway ASAP." Additionally, he noted "this year's PC will be hard to predict and prognosticate with certain changes the Committee is likely going to implement. Also, the talent pool remains to be seen at this early point in the year."

Wilson was unavailable for comment due to the fac that he was playing golf with former champion Alex Yates.

The Committee was mum on the "changes" that are in store for the event. Some have speculated that the Committee will implement a Saturday evening finish. Still others believe that a handicap rework is in store for the competitors.

The announcement closely followed Tiger Wood's speech to the media before his return to a Mississippi sex camp. The Pineapple Cup looked to take advantage of the media frenzy, and Tiger's camp hoped that the PC announcement would take a little spotlight from his speech.

The PCB crunched numbers to get an early edge on which captain should be favored going into their singles match. Fourteen sanctioned rounds have been played, and Wilson holds only a 13 shot lead. However, Wilson also claims a higher handicap. Not surprisingly, Wilson holds a slight edge in overall points won at the PC. These figures give the early edge to Wilson; however, the blogger is not putting down any money yet. The figures are close enough for the PCB to wait to see what the bookmakers think before going all in!

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