Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jim Hobart Slated to Assist Captain Buck Williams During 2009 Pineapple Cup!

Atlanta, GA (AP) - For Immediate Release - February 19, 2009

Sources close to the Pineapple Cup blog have confirmed that Captain Buck Williams has secured Jim Hobart as his assistant captain for the 2009 Pineapple Cup. Buck was thrilled about the agreement: “In a way, such a decision should be likened to Captain Azinger choosing Kevin Streelman as an assistant during the lesser-regarded Ryder Cup. Captain Yates will always play second fiddle to me as both a social chair/band coordinator and anything relating to golf.” The decision likely puts Captain Yates in a bind, as he was negotiating with Mr. Hobart as well.

Terms of the deal have not been fully released, but sources state that Assistant Captain Hobart agreed to wear a sweater vest throughout the matches and conduct pre-tournament interviews of the players. Hobart commented on his decision:

“Buck and I have a long history together. We have been beer pong tournament partners, organized Masters’ pools and sat together at numerous Wake Forest sporting events. I think that our history and chemistry will serve us well in the 2009 Pineapple Cup. Also, with many first time Charlotte natives participating this year, I feel more comfortable working alongside a guy who will prefer to select Wake Forest players…guys whose games I am more familiar with.”

The proverbial ball is in Captain Yates’ court. Does he find and use an assistant, or does he go at it alone? He was moot on any decision in that regard when he was reached for comment:

"I am disappointed in the news regarding Benedict Arnold Hobart. More importantly, I am disappointed in the way this was handled. For him to not even have the nerve to tell me the news to my face tells me everything I need to know about Jim Hobart, and Captain Williams for that matter. To that end, I am glad to not have someone like that representing my team. I have continuously tried to conduct myself in a manner that is in keeping with the fine traditions of this great championship. But not anymore! I will re-group, but I will not forget. This means war."


  1. WOW! i'm pretty sure captain yates thought he had hobart's commitment locked up. what a curveball. god bless the pineapple cup and god bless Myrtle Beach!

  2. Absolutely. Yates thought he had Hobart locked up. Buck must've sweetened the deal with the promise to Hobart that Hobart could sleep a bed one night.

  3. If Yates makes the Deibel selection for an assistant captainship this adds a whole new level of intensity to the mix! Deibel is to Buck Williams as Seve Ballesteros is to Paul Azinger... (cough, cough)
