Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Riddick Re-dedicates Himself to Cup Performance!

Atlanta, GA (AP) - For Immediate Release - February 3, 2009

Memories of a sudden death victory have only slightly faded in Steve Riddick’s mind. Once, this former captain was a poster child for the trappings of success. He had a successful career, steady girl and the confidence that comes from guiding a team to Pineapple Cup success. Most men would rest on such laurels. In fact, Riddick himself admits to doing just that, “After my sudden death victory, I had the attitude that I couldn’t get any better. I’m not just talking golf here, I felt I could not improve on anything in life. I was at the peak, though I didn’t view it as a peak. I viewed it as a plateau. I had visions of grandeur: captaining every winning Pineapple Cup team, winning the Pineapple Cup once a year, making 50% appreciation on my investments. I did not think I was coming down from perfection.”

But come down he did. His commitment to golf wavered. Other things in life took priority. Winter rust set into his game and his handicap skyrocketed. Gone was the once certain thought that Riddick would be the first selection in the 2009 draft. “After discussing the 2009 Pineapple Cup with my people, I realized I had lost my way. For many months I didn’t even know where my golf clubs were. I eventually found them under a pong table at a friends. I needed a change, a rededication.” So, recently Riddick dropped his girl and began “a total 100% commitment” to the Pineapple Cup.

His commitment to performance has attracted the attention of the captains. Whether it positively impacts his draft status remains to be seen. Yates commented, “I find former Captain Riddick’s rededication to the game commendable and I am certainly taking it into consideration as I formulate my draft strategy. Its not easy to deal with success, and sometimes it takes a bit of reflection to realize what is truly important in life. I just hope Riddick has realized that before its too late for this year’s Cup.”

The other captain, Buck Williams, agrees, “Certainly Steve-O’s recent actions have not gone unnoticed. Can you put a price on having a former captain on your team? He would be an asset to either team. Where exactly he falls in my current draft order I can’t say, but you can be sure its towards the top. I can easily relate to guys who have seen the top. I’ve been there many times for long periods of time.”


  1. Riddick clearly fell victim to the dreaded lee JANZen syndrome after his big win.

  2. Don't trash talk against Lee "Panzen"...he's one of my top 10 all-time favorite golfers. SERIOUSLY!

  3. B/n Captain Williams giving me Golf and God, Lt. McConomy keeping me on a stringent diet and workout regiment, and ridding myself of the distractions of women, I'm feeling really good about my Pineapple Cup preparation.

    Instead of calling it Lee Janzen Syndrome, I prefer to look at my latest decisions in the same light as Tiger revamping his swing after winning 12 majors. To be the best, you need to be self-critical and realize that there's always room for improvement.

    I've made some tough decisions the past few months, but each and every one of them has been made for the Pineapple Cup.

    See you boys on the tee-box.
