Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Carrington Kicks Competition in the Taint!

North Myrtle Beach, S.C.
August 28, 2010

The Pineapple Cup's own Nature Boy, Lindsay Carrington, ran away with the 2010 Pineapple Cup: WAR GAMES! in striking similarity to Ric Flair's 1992 Royal Rumble win. Carrington relied on a steady driver and putter to lay his hands on the trophy he helped create.

"I know it won't show, but in a way I'm humbled by this victory. Mentally I was ready for this weekend, starting with the Ipod playing "Man in the Mirror" as I drove into Caledonia. It certainly helped that I was paired with two veteran players, Mark Wilson and Andrew Tucker, to make the fabulous Four Horsemen of the Pineapple Cup. The energy between our team was amazing - we were rooting for each other the whole time."

The 2010 Pineapple Cup marked a deviation from the traditional Ryder Cup format. Instead, competitors were drawn into three teams of three players. The competition then resembled a rumble over 54 holes.

Carrington's 2010 triumph marks the second year in a row in which a Pineapple Cup Committee member claimed the coveted trophy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


THE COMMITTEE in conjunction with WCW will present the first ever Pineapple Cup 2010: WAR GAMES on Aug 27th and 28th in beautiful North Myrtle Beach, SC. WAR GAMES is a 9-man, 3-team no holds barred event featuring various contests over 54 holes. The 9 athletes expected to compete in WAR GAMES are: Andrew Tucker, Lindsay Carrington, Mark Wilson, Jeff Wilson, Tug Maude, Morgan Dowtin, Boone Smith, Alex Yates, and Preston Yates. Teams will be announced at the opening ceremonies on Thursday night, Aug 26th. The athletes are expected to compete in formats of 2 best ball of 3, individual match play, and WOLF. Exact scoring will be outlined prior to the event. As previously announced, this year’s venues will be the Surf and Dunes Clubs.

Like all great enterprises, the PC has been forced to make adjustments in the post-economic meltdown world in which we now live. While dropping from 16 participants last year to 9 this year is difficult, THE COMMITTEE is excited about the product that it has put together. THE COMMITTEE also strongly suggests that players stick around on Sunday for a full day of all that Myrtle has to offer. A number of participants will be spending Sunday night and driving back early on Monday.

Defending champion Andrew Tucker seems excited as well, “I really didn't think it was possible to make the Pineapple Cup any more exciting for me. I was wrong. I feel like this is really taking the PC back to its roots, not only in the cut throat matches but in the all day beach celebration to follow on Sunday. I am fired up. I can think of no better way to defend my crown than WAR GAMES. When I think back to my childhood I see drop kicks, top rope flying elbows, and a whole lot of figure four leg locks. I plan on taking the intensity that these warriors taught me at that young age and translating it into my game in Myrtle. I will leave you with one thought: To be the man, you've got to beat the man....and right now, I'm the man. Come and get it. WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pineapple Cup Implicated in Derby Betting Ring

Charlotte, N.C. --
Rumor swirl that the Pineapple Cup was recently involved in a Kentucky Derby gambling ring. When confronted with the allegations about the Cup's involvement, current champion Andrew Tucker stated "I would never do anything to jeopardize the integrity of the Pineapple Cup. My goal is simply to increase the legacy that this great trophy represents. For those honored enough to be at the unveiling of the trophy at Commissoner Carrington's 2008 Kentucky Derby party, they will remember that the Cup was hoisted by numerous participants and used as a giant beer chalice. Were those actions deemed disrespectful at the time, or even now? No. The Pineapple Cup trophy acts as a symbol of the greatest golf trip in the world. Beer chugging and gambling are aspects of the trip and therefore should not be looked down upon when associated with and incorporated with the trophy."

No sanctions are expected after investigation by Commissioner Carrington and Committeman Mark Wilson.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2010 Pineapple Cup Date Announced!

North Myrtle Beach, S.C. - The Committee announced the 2010 Pineapple Cup will be contested over the weekend of August 27-29 in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This marks the fourth time the city of North Myrtle Beach has hosted the prestigious event.

The Committee did not announce which courses would hold the 2010 event, but speculation falls squarely on Caledonia and The Surf Club.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wilson, Carrington chosen as captains!

Today the Committee announced Mark Wilson and Lindsay Carrington as 2010 Pineapple Cup captains. The 2010 event now pits two (of the three total) undefeated team players against each other (the other being Buck Williams). Additionally, Messers. Wilson and Carrington are the only Pineapple Cup participants to have played in every sanctioned round.

The lone disinterested PC Committee member, Andrew Tucker, "I love the fact that these two are going to be captains. You can expect each to name able assistants, but the fact that it is Mark and Lindsay has been a long time in the making. Both have always been on the winning team. It is time for that to change!"

Carrington released a statement that said he was "honored to be a Pineapple Cup captain" and that he expected "to get preparations underway ASAP." Additionally, he noted "this year's PC will be hard to predict and prognosticate with certain changes the Committee is likely going to implement. Also, the talent pool remains to be seen at this early point in the year."

Wilson was unavailable for comment due to the fac that he was playing golf with former champion Alex Yates.

The Committee was mum on the "changes" that are in store for the event. Some have speculated that the Committee will implement a Saturday evening finish. Still others believe that a handicap rework is in store for the competitors.

The announcement closely followed Tiger Wood's speech to the media before his return to a Mississippi sex camp. The Pineapple Cup looked to take advantage of the media frenzy, and Tiger's camp hoped that the PC announcement would take a little spotlight from his speech.

The PCB crunched numbers to get an early edge on which captain should be favored going into their singles match. Fourteen sanctioned rounds have been played, and Wilson holds only a 13 shot lead. However, Wilson also claims a higher handicap. Not surprisingly, Wilson holds a slight edge in overall points won at the PC. These figures give the early edge to Wilson; however, the blogger is not putting down any money yet. The figures are close enough for the PCB to wait to see what the bookmakers think before going all in!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little."

The PCB believes that several of his/her followers also follow Matty G's blog about buddy trips on Golf Digest. Matty's Dec. 2009 post (actually written by Bob Carney) was particularly good, and the PCB felt it necessary to include a link to it here:

It ends with a quote with which all Pineapple Cup participants can agree. Apparently, Gore Vidal said: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little."

This quote has significant meaning when you think about some of the all-time great matches that have been contested during the Pineapple Cup's short existence. Think about Tucker and Riddick's fabled playoff! These guys have shared everything short of a condom, yet they are forced to cheer against the other. Don't think for a second that the PCB believes that Tucker was happy for Riddick (or Jeff Wilson for that matter). Or, what about Mark and Tommy's inspired play at the Surf Club? Tommy doesn't usually shank 3-irons. But on this particular occasion, Mark had the hex on him!

The PCB digresses. It's getting close to time for the calendar to turn over to 2010, meaning another Pineapple Cup approaches! Another chance for friends to pull against friends. Where will it be? Who will be the captains? There is rumor that two Committee members will captain teams in this census year. Also, the PCB has heard that a new venue is possible.

No details have emerged yet, but the PCB is excited to see what happens in the 2010 Pineapple Cup.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Charlotte, NC (The Charlotte Observer) – October 31, 2009 –

In the early morning hours of Halloween, several would-be bandits broke into a home which currently houses The Pineapple Cup in an effort to steal the prestigious trophy that dates back to 2007. Current champion Andrew Tucker and golf fans everywhere certainly count themselves lucky that the trophy did not join the likes of the Scottish Open trophy (the oldest trophy in existence at the time it was lost), the original Havermeyer trophy and the Prince of Wales trophy – all either lost or destroyed. It is unclear what kept the would-be bandits from making off with The Pineapple Cup. Police believe the bandits could have been temporarily blinded by the shiny solid gold etching. Another possibility the police will not rule out is that the would-be bandits became entranced by the sparkling crystal and lost track of time. Even yet another possibility is the would-be bandits thought there was a pressure-activated alarm on which The Pineapple Cup sat. Regardless of the reason, The Pineapple Cup was not taken and is no worse for the wear.

The would-be bandits did make off with some electronic equipment, a few dirty magazines and a bottle of charcoal-filtered Papov vodka.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Corey Pavin - Greatest of All Time?

Jeff Rude opines about the 2010 Ryder Cup captain: Based on from where he has had to play his tee ball, he’s the best player in golf history. Pavin ranks 201st in distance this year, averaging 260.7 yards. He averaged around 252 off the tee year after year until new millennium technology boosted him to a high of 268.9 in 2003. If he’s not the best of all time after the drive, who is? Paul Runyan? Tiger Woods?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

2009 Pictures

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Andrew Tucker Reigns Supreme at 2009 Pineapple Cup!

North Myrtle Beach, SC (The Sporting News) – Andrew Tucker finally has his hands on the coveted Pineapple Cup. He never lost a match en route to capturing his first Pineapple Cup victory. His impressive play over three days was highlighted by a three under par 67 (net) at Pine Lakes C.C. In the overall matches, Tucker’s play helped Captain Buck’s squad to a victory over Team Yates.

An elated Tucker made an elaborate and enthusiastic acceptance speech: “First off, I would like to thank THE COMMITEE and especially Commissioner Carrington for putting on such a well run tournament. It is honestly one of the highlights of my year and it could not happen without you. Next, I would like to thank Bob and Nancy Wilson for providing such amazing accommodations and truly making the Pineapple Cup affordable and possible. Finally, I would like to thank Morgan’s wife for providing a never ending supply of jello shots and delicious good times.

On December 31, 2008 at 11:59 p.m. I sat down with a pad and paper and made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in the forthcoming year. By noon of the following day when the alcohol began to wear off, I realized that it would not be possible to make out with Megan Fox, get a cameo appearance on Family Guy, or use the crane to defeat Chuck Norris in a battle to the death, so I began marking things off of my list. After I was finished with the truly unrealistic goals for my 2009, only one item remained: Win the Pineapple Cup. What most do not realize, is that since that day I have not slept more than four hours in one night. I started to train my body for what I knew would be the greatest physical and mental challenge of my life. Training my body for the rigors that a champion must endure to claim such a prize. I would pound beers before and during work in order to teach myself how to perform day to day tasks while completely intoxicated. When fellow employees would see me funneling bourbon at my desk and question 'What are you doing?' I would simply point to the Pineapple Cup countdown clock and they would walk away in understanding. I would refuse to eat fruits and vegetables, because I knew that Myrtle Beach has a ban on such items and I didn’t want to be exposed to such foreign substances. People think I love Doritos, it's not true. I hate Doritos, I've just been forcing myself to build up a tolerance as I know they are one of the only items availble to eat in Myrtle. I would only go to restaurants where I was served by a 23 year old waitress with 3 kids ('Yeah, do the math').

I made it rain. Nightly. By the time April rolled around, I knew I was close, but there is more to becoming a PC champion than the ME factor. This is why I would now like to thank Captain Buck for believing in me enough to take me sixth overall. A lot of people felt that this was way too early in the draft. A lot of people were wrong. I would also like to thank my teammates with whom I had the honor of playing. Mark, that first nine holes was rough. When I wanted to kill those Mexicans for not getting off the greens while we were trying to hit, you calmed me by forcing numerous $4 bud lights down my throat.

Lindsay, when I missed ANOTHER 2 footer that would have given us ANOTHER sweep, you patted me on the back and gave words of encouragement as opposed to throwing the Futura into the nearest wood chipper. Gentleman, this trophy is part yours.

I’m not sure where the road will lead from here. I don’t think it will truly set in what I’ve accomplished until I get the trophy back from Larry at Troplex. When I see my name engraved on that beautiful piece of hardware, maybe then will I think about what I want to do with the rest of my golfing career and how fortunate I am to have this overhanging burden lifted off my shoulders. I do know one thing however: Through years of friendship, the hard work of our Commishioner, the intensity of the chosen Captains, and having it located in beautiful Myrtle Beach, we have created the greatest golf tournament in the world….and I am proud to be its Champion."

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Play in the 2009 Pineapple Cup officially began at 1:35 pm on Friday afternoon at the Grande Dunes Resort Course when Committee members Andrew Tucker and Mark Wilson struck their first tee shots. Friday’s weather was very nice, but a bit breezy with a 2-3 club wind all day long. Following is a summary of the day’s matches:

Match 1: Mark Wilson/Andrew Tucker v. Steve Riddick/Ghost(David Miller)

The first match got off to an inauspicious start for Team Yates when Riddick dunked his first two tee shots into the water off of the first tee. Tucker and Wilson managed to overcome the first tee jitters with tee shots down the middle. Unfortunately for Tucker, his jitters did not leave during the front nine play and he only cut Wilson on one hole. Mark Wilson was solid over the course of the front nine while Team Buck traded blows with Team Yates. Wilson/Tucker came to the 8th green with a 1 up lead and a chance to put away the front nine match. After striking a beautiful three wood to within fifteen feet of the hole on the long par three, Tucker had an opportunity to make birdie or par to put the front nine away. His birdie bid missed and Riddick refused to concede a rather short par putt. It turned out to be a good move as Tucker’s par bid never touched the hole. After David Miller’s 25-foot putt on the ninth green found the hole, the teams had halved the front nine match.

Match 1 saw little blood shed over the back nine until the 15th hole. There, Tucker found his putter and drained a 25-footer from off the green for a net birdie. His putt put Team Buck 1 up in the match and on the back nine. Tucker and Miller both made net birdies on the 16th to keep the match 1 up. On the 17th hole, Tucker’s drive found the hazard but was playable. He managed to advance his ball to a position to reach the green in regulation, which he did. His birdie bid stopped less than two feet from the hole. Riddick drained an 8 footer to make a net birdie on the hole and force Tucker to make his short putt to push the hole. Tucker’s reaction after striking his putt showed he knew he hit a very bad putt. Miraculously, his ball went in the back door and Team Buck maintained it’s 1 up lead going to the last hole. Riddick’s drive on 18 went out-of-bounds and he was done for the nine. Tucker/Wilson made pars on the last. Miller was unable to make a birdie and Team Buck had survived a grueling back nine to win 1 up.

Match 2: Lindsay Carrington/Andrew Ward v. Jeff Wilson/Ghost(Tug Maude)

Friday’s second match went Team Yates’ way from the outset when Wilson won the first hole with a net bogey. Consecutive three putts from Carrington on the next two holes increased Team Yates’ lead to 3 up thru 3. Throughout the front nine, Jeff Wilson played like a veteran and would not open the door for Carrington/Ward. When he did make a mistake, such as a three putt bogey on the par 3 14th hole, his partner helped out with the halve. Team Buck managed a win on the fifteenth hole to cut the lead to two. However, on the very next hole, Jeff Wilson got up and down from 110 yards for a net birdie. With his 10 foot putt, Jeff Wilson posted the first points of the 2009 Pineapple Cup. His stellar wedge play was not done. On the par 5 17th hole, Jeff Wilson hit a 95 yard wedge shot to 13 feet and Team Yates went 4 up for the match.

Team Buck looked to make a comeback on the back nine when Ward won the tenth hole with a net birdie and trimmed the lead to 3. Carrington narrowly missed a birdie bid on the eleventh hole. Nevertheless, Team Buck felt a little momentum building. It would not last. Tug made an impressive birdie at the 11th and the match was back to 4 up. Then, Team Yates won the 12th when Jeff Wilson made a 4 footer for a net birdie, now 5 up. Team Buck lost the 13th as well and the overall match was over, 6&5. The back nine match also ended early when Carrington’s birdie bid on the 16th failed to find the hole. The first sweep of 2009 had been completed.

Match 3: Morgan Dowtin/Wes Argabrte v. Alex Yates/David Miller

Match 3 was a see-saw battle. Yates/Miller were first to strike blood with a par on the 2nd hole. However, Team Buck countered by winning three of the next four holes. Team Yates narrowed the lead to 1 up with a solid par on seven. They squared the match on the long par 3 8th hole. Morgan and Miller halved the difficult 9th with net birdies. Over the course of the front nine, each team won three holes.

The see-saw continued when each team won the 10th and 11th and kept the match all square. Finally, on the 13th, Team Buck seized control of the match when Morgan made a net birdie on the long par 5. Morgan built momentum and Team Buck’s lead over the next two holes with birdies. Suddenly, Team Yates found themselves 3 down with 3 to play. Miller made a crucial net birdie on the 16th to force Team Buck to match. Morgan Dowtin did just that and rolled in his fourth birdie in a row to close the overall match and the back side.

Match 4: Buck Williams/Boone Smith v. Tug Maude/Steven Riddick

The final match of the day saw Team Buck take a 1 up lead after the first hole. They maintained that advantage until both players took costly double bogeys on the par 3 14th (second hole of the day). Buck broke the deadlock with a birdie on the seventh hole. Team Buck poured in two more wins and stood 3 up at the turn.

Team Yates regrouped at the turn and won the first two holes of the back nine. Buck again found his putting range when he holed a 40 footer for birdie at the 12th. Team Buck was back up 2. Team Yates answered with birdie at the next and cut the lead to one. Buck’s approach to the short par 4 15th set up a winning birdie and put the squeeze on Team Yates. Tug/Tommy won the side and forced the match to the last hole with a win at the 17th. However, Team Yates could not win the last and Team Buck had won the overall match.

At the end of the first day of play, Team Buck had a 7-5 edge over Team Yates. Certainly this is no small margin to overcome for Team Yates, especially in light of the arrival of two of his better players. Tomorrow’s action kicks off at 7:27 at Pine Lakes C.C.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Official 2009 Pineapple Cup Weather Forecast

The PBC, being a frail, semi-arthritic person, constantly consults the weather channel in the days leading up to a major event. In that regard, here is the 2009 Pineapple Cup forecast:

Do Wildfires Affect Pineapple Cup Venue?

North Myrtle Beach, SC (AP) - More than 2,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in North Myrtle Beach, as a wildfire near the coast has damaged several dozen homes.
No injuries have been reported.

Emergency officials banged on doors this morning to get people to leave. The fire jumped state Highway 22 about 1:30 this morning as strong winds pushed the blaze through woods toward the Barefoot Landing development. The sprawling complex of house, condominiums and golf courses is separated from the beaches by the Intracoastal Waterway. Officials at the Grand Dunes Resort say neither of their golf courses have not been affected.

Officials hope the waterway will act as a natural firebreak to protect more populated areas closer to the beach.

The fire started yesterday. The cause has not been determined.

Fire near Grande Dunes Members -

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Riddick Aces the 17th!

Atlanta, GA (Atlanta Business Journal) - Former Pineapple Cup Captain Steve Riddick is making headlines again today and exercising the demons of a missed business opportunity by acing the 17th hole at Fox Creek Golf Course. He used an 8-iron and the shot was witnessed by Pineapple Cup participant Tug Maude.

Riddick's ace marks the second hole-in-one in as many months for a Pineapple Cup participant.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Riddick Blows Off Golf With a Fortune 25 C-Level Executive

Atlanta, GA (Atlanta Business Journal) – A puzzling story developed yesterday in the upper echelon of Atlanta business society when Steve Riddick, former Pineapple Cup Captain, turned down an golf invitation given by a high level executive at Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.

According to sources continually paid and developed by the ABJ, the invitation included rounds at two exclusive courses in Sea Island, GA before returning via private jet on Sunday night. Spokesmen for the two corporate titans were mum on the details of the behind-the-scenes maneuvering necessary to prevent a full blown business society spat. However, Riddick did say that he “sucks at golf” and can “play golf anytime.”