Friday, March 27, 2009

2009 Captain Alex Yates

The Committee is proud to introduce 2009 Pineapple Cup Captain Alex Yates. Captain Yates resides in Charlotte, NC and plays out of Carolina Golf Club. He is a past champion (2007) and one of, if not the, best players to play The Pineapple Cup. During 2008, Captain Yates compiled a 3-3-3 four-ball record and an 0-2-1 singles record.

He graduated from Wake Forest University, where he played on the collegiate golf team. The highlight of Captain Yates’ competitive career occurred when he played in the U.S. Amateur at Merion. He qualified by shooting 71-67 in the local qualifier. Prior to WFU, he won the North Carolina 2-A state championship twice. Needless to say, Captain Yates can golf his ball.

Captain Yates’ is quite long for his size. When he gets it going, he is like a ball-striking machine that wears an opponent down. As such, you don’t want to get down early against him in match play. That being said, it will be interesting to see how captaincy duties affect his play!


  1. Yates will make a good captain. The big question to me is whether he can play up to his normal level and captain at the same time.

  2. Don't forget that late addition Tug Maude caddied for Captain Yates at said US Amateur...will we see them pair up again in 4ball play as partners??

  3. I know from experience the toll that acting in an official capacity throughout the weekend can take.

  4. Captain Yates is going to fucking rock the shit
